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Background #

Device binding is a way to authenticate mobile application employees by ensuring that an app employee is in possession of a trusted device by having the device ID as a factor of authentication. This device binding capability offered by Cipher EIAM SDKs ensures that your mobile application is protected from mobile app impersonation fraud (i.e. even if a bad actor were to clone or reverse engineer your app, he/she will not be able to steal the information the secrets required for authenticating your mobile app employees)

What information can I bind using the “Device Binding” capability? #

Device Binding capability will help you to bind the following:

  1. Device ID - By default, we support “SIM Serial Number and Device ID” as the Device ID but you can easily be extended by raising an intake request
  2. Attributes - Additional information regarding the device - Hardware device information (e.g. IMEI/ESN, Mac address) Soft information (e.g. ANDROID_ID, UID) Service information (e.g. IMSI), etc. The example of the default attributes are as follows, you can easily be extended by raising an intake request
"metadata": {
               "os": "ANDROID",
               "appID": "XXX-android",
               "hasNFC": "true",
               "locale": "en_US",
               "appName": "ABCapp",
               "operators": "XXXX",
               "osVersion": "",
               "appVersion": "1.0",
               "deviceType": "",
               "macAddress": "02:00:00:00:00:00",
               "buildNumber": "1",
               "networkType": "WIFI",
               "isWifiEnabled": "true",
               "hasFrontCamera": "true",
               "screenResolution": "2134x1080",
               "isLocationEnabled": "true",
               "authenticationType": "NONE",
               "deviceManufacturer": "samsung"

Preconditions #

  1. A tenant created in Cipher EIAM. (You can request for a new tenant if you don’t have one.)
  2. You have access to the Authentication Center.
  3. You have your domain, sandbox and client already created
  4. You have setup the SDK

Step 1 - Setting up Auth Center #

Step 1.1: Go to your domain>Settings>People #

For example, your domain is “example.employee.com”


Here you can create the IDP for your device by clicking on “Create Identity Provider”


Step 1.2: Creating “Device Identity Type” for Device Binding #

  1. Click on “Signed Data”


  1. Enter Basic Information, that is the name of the IDP
  2. Add the “device” Custom Identity Type. Please note, the Device has to be challengeable with public key as credential.


Step 1.3: Adding Credential Config to store the device public key #

You also have to add credential config so that the SDK can register the same on the server

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{{PP_Cipher_API}}/cerberus2/domains/<DomainID>/config/identities/auth_profile/credentialConfigs/public_key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{}'

Step 1.4: Associate “device” to the SDK’s Auth Plan and “login” Scope #


Step 2 - Enabling Device Binding on the SDK #

  1. Have "enableDeviceBinding": true as on the cipher_sso json

cipher_sso JSON


"oauthTenantId": XXXX,
 "zone": "U",                     // environment (prepro/staging/prod)
 "enableDeviceBinding": true,
 "authDataInSecuredStore": true //flag to stare private key from SSO & auth-token & refreshToken in secured (encrypted) store

  1. Then just trigger /startSSO as per the setting up the SDK

Step 3 - Verify Device Binding #

In order to verify your device binding, i.e. whether the current device binding is the same as the previously generated device binding id, you must call the below method.

This will

    * Check if the current device binding is valid OR not. Currently, this check is based on the
    * following logic.
    * a) The current stored [DeviceBindingDetails] is not-null.
    * b) The current stored [DeviceBindingDetails] is the same as the re-created details.
    * @return Takes [IsDeviceBindingValidListener] as a listener param.
   fun isDeviceBindingValid(context: Context,
                                    listener: IsDeviceBindingValidListener)

   interface IsDeviceBindingValidListener: DeviceBindingFailureCallback {
       fun done(isValid: Boolean)

Step 4 - Fetch device binding information of a employee #

You can do so by using the following API:

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.preprod.zeta.in/cerberus2/domains/abcbank-employees.in/auth_profiles/<Your Employee's Auth Profile ID' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Token}}'

Sample output

   "domainId": "example.employee.com,
   "authProfileId": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
   "name": "Angshu",
   "identities": [
           "identityId": 1,
           "identityType": "phoneNumber",
           "createdAt": 1629201444790,
           "identityValue": "+91XXXXXXXX6",
           "status": "ENABLED"
           "identityId": 8,
           "identityType": "device",
           "createdAt": 1629364233048,
           "identityValue": "e0b569166dcf8ef5:89918610400270796320",
           "status": "ENABLED",
           "metadata": {
               "os": "ANDROID",
               "appID": "1234-android",
               "hasNFC": "true",
               "locale": "en_US",
               "appName": "UPI App",
               "operators": "Airtel 4G",
               "osVersion": "",
               "appVersion": "1.0",
               "deviceType": "",
               "macAddress": "02:00:00:00:00:00",
               "buildNumber": "1",
               "networkType": "WIFI",
               "isWifiEnabled": "true",
               "hasFrontCamera": "true",
               "screenResolution": "2134x1080",
               "isLocationEnabled": "true",
               "authenticationType": "NONE",
               "deviceManufacturer": "ChinaPhoneHai"
   "credentials": [
           "identityType": "device",
           "identityValue": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:OOOOOOO10400270796320",
           "credentialType": "public_key",
           "identityId": 8,
           "credentialId": "CCIIIAAASD_RCUKOMXCns_hIQ==",
           "metadata": {
               "algorithm": "EC"
   "isDirty": false,
   "status": "ACTIVE",
   "createdAt": 1629201444619,
   "attributes": {},
   "headers": {}